Bloom Public School provides computers, networks, and Internet access to support the educational mission of the school and to enhance the curriculum and learning opportunities for students and school staff. The school believes that the resources available through the Internet are of significant value to the learning process and preparing students for future success. At the same time, the unregulated availability of information and communication on the Internet requires the school to place reasonable constraints for efficient and appropriate use of this technology.
All school computers remain under the control, custody, and supervision of the school. The school reserves the right to monitor all computer and Internet activities by the students as well as teachers. Students should have no expectation of privacy in their use of school computers.
While reasonable precautions will be taken to supervise students’ use of the Internet, the school cannot ensure absolute screening of all inappropriate uses, including access to objectionable materials and communication with people outside the school. The school is not responsible for the accuracy or quality of information that students obtain from the Internet.
The educational value of appropriate information on the Internet is substantial. However, the Internet is composed of information provided by the schools, colleges, institutions, companies, organizations and people all over the world and thus, also includes material that is not of educational value in the context of the school environment. Moreover, this information may be inaccurate, abusive, profane, or illegal.
Students are expected to use the resources in a manner consistent with the school IT policy and will be held responsible for its misuse in any manner. Additionally, parents should discuss with their children their own expectations for their child's Internet use. Home use of the Internet by students must be supervised and parents should be completely responsible for the student's use of the Internet resources at home. A daily time limit and an awareness of information retrieved from the Internet for home use is highly recommended.
Internet bandwidth is a limited and valued resource. Any activity that places unnecessary strain on this valuable resource is prohibited. These activities include downloading or uploading of music/video/movie files, accessing file sharing websites, torrents and webcasting/webinars.
Moral Responsibility
It is a moral responsibility of each student and staff member to use IT infrastructure ethically and utilize these resources for growth of the education system and the community as a whole. Proper use of this infrastructure will help you to keep the system efficient, fast and effective to serve you in a better manner.
“Behave as a Global Citizen and understand your responsibility as an individual”
A. Computer and Internet use is a Privilege, Not a Right
Student use of the school computers, networks, and Internet services is a privilege, and not a right. Unacceptable use/activity may result in suspension or cancellation of privileges as well as additional disciplinary and/or legal action.
B. Acceptable Use
Based upon the acceptable use guidelines as outlined in this document, the school will deem what is appropriate and inappropriate use of the system. In addition the school has the right to place reasonable restrictions on the material you access or post through the system.
C. Prohibited Use
The user is responsible for his/ her actions and activities involving school computers, networks and Internet services and for his/her computer files, passwords, and accounts. Examples of unacceptable uses that are expressly prohibited include but are not limited to the following:
Accessing Inappropriate Material: Accessing, submitting, posting, publishing, forwarding, downloading, scanning or displaying materials that are defamatory, abusive, obscene, vulgar, sexually explicit, sexually suggestive, threatening, discriminatory, harassing and/or illegal;
Illegal Activities: Using the school computers, networks, and Internet services for any illegal activity or activity that violates other school policies, procedures and/or school rules. Modifying/altering system settings, or installing software/applications or Copying files to/from any external device such as pen drive, external hard disk, CD/DVD, Mobile Phone, Memory Stick, MP3 Player without taking written permission from the respective computer teacher or hardware engineer is strictly prohibited;
Violating Copyrights: Copying or downloading copyrighted materials without the owner's permission or any other activity that violates other school committee policies regarding copyright material.
Plagiarism: Representing as one's own work any materials obtained on the Internet (such as presentation, project report and articles, etc.). When Internet sources are used in student work, the author, publisher, and Web site must be acknowledged properly;
Copying Software: Copying or downloading or using software without the authorization of the system administrator;
Non-School-Related Uses: Using the school's computers, networks and Internet services for non-school-related purposes such as private financial gain, commercial, advertising or solicitation purposes.
Misuse of Passwords/Unauthorized Access: Sharing passwords, using other users' passwords and/or accessing other user's' accounts.
Malicious Use: Any malicious use, disruption or harm to the school department's computers, networks, and Internet services, including but not limited to hacking activities and creation/uploading of computer viruses; unauthorized access to chat rooms/newsgroups; accessing chat rooms or newsgroups without specific authorization from the supervising teacher.
Excessive Internet Use: Limits will be enforced on students who access the school's internet, use of service to the point where the student's access will be revoked until cleared with the system administrator/Vice Principal/Principal.
School Official Email Accounts (Google Workspace)
Each student and each teacher/staff of the school is provided with an individual official account on the domain using Google Suite. This account is meant for all the communication between students, teachers and school administrators. These accounts will also help in sharing academic and co-curricular resources.
Google Workspace Disclaimer
- Google Workspace Classroom/ Google Meet Platform should be used for hosting virtual classes only by the teachers and no other activity is permitted to be undertaken on the platform by any student, parents or anyone else. Any violation of this protocol shall be viewed seriously and shall be subject to disciplinary action.
- In case any unwarranted activity of any teacher/student/parent amounts to any offence or violation of any law, for the time being in force, the liability for such violation shall be of such individual only and the school and/or the administrators of the Google Workspace account shall not be responsible in any manner.
- The administrators shall be free to access the content of the meetings, to record the audio video conversations done through the platform and to keep and retain a log of all the activities including the login times, IP addresses and other digital footprints to track any unwarranted activity.
- Video Recording/Screen Capturing of the online class by students/parents without the written/digital permission is strictly prohibited. If so found/comes in the notice of the school authorities, school can take appropriate action against the students/parents
General Guidelines
- Do not use pirated/unauthorised versions of any software.
- Do not download/use any software/files from unknown/unreliable sources.
- Do not share your login-password or personal information like your address, email address or mobile number with anyone.
- Keep the Operating System/All Software up to date with the latest updates.
- Update the Internet Browser regularly and keep removing saved cookies/browser history. Keep your privacy settings as high as possible.
- Use the Incognito/Private/InPrivate Window option for accessing your accounts while using public computers.
- Be careful while sharing pictures/videos/text messages on any public portal. Once you’ve put a picture of yourself online most people can see it and may be able to download it, it’s not just yours anymore.
- On Social Networking sites, don’t be friends with people you don’t know in the physical world. Never meet up with people you have met online. Speak to your parents or teacher about people suggesting you do so.
- While making any conversation online, respect other people’s views, even if you don’t agree with someone else’s views doesn’t mean you need to be rude.
- If you see something online that makes you feel uncomfortable, unsafe or worried: leave the website, turn off your computer and if need be tell a trusted adult immediately.
- While conducting Online Inter-School/Intra-School Events, make sure that each platform like meets/team/discord/classroom/group/blog/fb/insta/twitter, a teacher incharge is required to supervise all the activities. All the participants should adhere to the code of conduct framed for the event, failing which the teacher has the right to remove participation without any conversation/intimation in this regard.
Cyber Reporting
- The school has a Cyber Cell (Mail:
- All small and big issues related to the Cyber Activities in the school/related to school should be immediately reported to Cyber Cell of the school under the intimation to the Principal/Vice Principal/Concerned Incharge/Authority in person/through email/ over mobile. Cyber Cell if it feels to interact with/investigate/interrogate with the people involved in the issue, it will be in the presence/intimation of concerned authority. School Counselor and respective Class Teacher may be required to be involved while interacting with the child/parent. Cyber Cell and the concerned school authority will involve only essentially required people to keep the investigation confidential.
- Cyber cell is empowered to forward the case to Government Cyber Crime Cell if the issue goes beyond the control.
- Each issue will be noted down in a Cyber Log in sequential order, Cyber Cell will study, resolve, review, take action, ensure all preventive measures to avoid its recurrence.